The well-being of your trees and safety of your property is not something we take lightly. Our arborists thoroughly assess your property’s trees to identify those which pose a threat.
Carolina Tree Monkeys has years of experience providing hazardous tree removal in Asheville, NC, and the surrounding areas. When you choose to work with us, you can rest assured that your property is in the right hands. We’ll quickly and efficiently evaluate the affected tree, and then we’ll safely remove it from your property in a way that’s sustainable to preserve your home’s remaining trees and plant life. Contact us today for a complimentary assessment of your hazardous tree removal in Asheville, NC.
Whether it be a tree leaning toward your home, a limb overhanging the roof or parking area, or a damaged/diseased tree, we can help.
If a tree or limb does indeed need to go we will remove it carefully and quickly without causing harm to your other healthy trees or your property.
The majority of the time we are able to remove trees and limbs through complex rigging practices and expert climbing techniques.
However, we do provide crane service and employ the use of aerial lift machinery for those trees or limbs that are especially large, hazardous, and in hard-to-access locations.
This was our first time working with a tree service. I have to say I was very impressed with Trebor and his crew. It was amazing to watch them work and maneuver the trees to where they did not hit anything. I am very happy with the job they did and will use them and only them again. I highly recommend them to everyone.”